This presentation will show how different software development processes like requirements engineering, bug-tracking and customer support can be enhanced by using semantic web technologies. With the help of an extraction pipeline all information e.g.
The main challenge - and opportunity - facing enterprises today is not the *volume* of data at their disposal, it's the *variety* of data. Important information is kept in silos in many formats and shapes, with little or no semantic context.
Linked Data and the Semantic Web have been around for quite a while and have been hyped again and again. In the meantime, a large number of enterprises and even whole industries have adopted semantic web technologies for several purposes.
We discuss and demonstrate how selected governmental data from the city of Leipzig,
published as Linked Data, can play a decisive factor for realizing Digital Agenda goals of the European Commission.
In the last few years, UnifiedViews (, became a widely used and accepted solution for management of RDF data processing and integration tasks.