This year's SEMANTiCS conference features a "Poster Madness" session. This is an entertaining session, where posters and demos are introduced in three minutes, using two slides. Posters and Demos then can be visited in the marketplace area.
The rules are as follows
- You have exactly two slides (in pdf format) to be shown for exactly three minutes in total. During these minutes you give your talk. If you talk longer, we will stop you.
- In between the one-minute talks a transition slide will be shown for approximately then seconds. This transition slide will be generated by us and it will contain the title of the next one-minute talk. The transition slide will include the title of the submission and it's ID.
- Given the limited time, it is highly advisable to avoid trying to present technical details of your work. Instead, you should provide the audience with a very high-level idea, ideally, presented in a catchy, entertaining manner.
- Send your slides in advance to semantics2016postersdemos@gmail.com before 8 September. You will receive a separate notification if your poster was selected for the Madness Session.
Posters & Demos presented
Stand No. | Title | Authors | Category |
1 | Facilitating Ontological Benchmark Construction Using Similarity Computation and Formal Concept Analysis | Ondrej Zamazal and Vojtech Svátek | Both |
2 | Augmenting the Ontology Visualization Tool Recommender: Input Pre-Filling and Integration with the OOSP Ontological Benchmark Builder | Ondaej Zamazal, Marek Dudas and Vojtech Svátek | Both |
3 | Integrating matching services into the Web of Needs | Heiko Friedrich, Florian Kleedorfer, Soheil Human and Christian Huemer | Both |
4 | Web of Needs: A Process Overview | Florian Kleedorfer, Soheil Human, Heiko Friedrich and Christian Huemer | Poster |
5 | Odruba - Ontology-driven Rule-based Visualisation | Andreas Nareike and Johannes Schmidt | Poster |
6 | Adding Semantics to Model Driven ApplicationDevelopment with CVtec and SparqlMap | Jörg Unbehauen, Andreas Nareike and Johannes Schmidt | Poster |
7 | Correlating open rating systems and lived experiences extraction from text | Ehab Hassan, Davide Buscaldi and Aldo Gangemi | Poster |
8 | Semantic Technology for Financial Awareness | Anna Satsiou, Artem Revenko, Ioannis Praggidis, Eirini Karapistoli, Georgios Panos, Christoforos Bouzanis and Ioannis Kompatsiaris | Poster |
9 | Computing the Semantic Relatedness of Music Genre using Semantic Web Data | Dennis Diefenbach, Pierre Rene Lherisson, Fabrice Muhlenbach and Pierre Maret | Both |
10 | Beyond Metadata: Enriching life science publications in Livivo with semantic entities from the linked data cloud | Bernd Müller and Alexandra Hagelstein | Poster |
11 | Does Term Expansion Matter for the Retrieval of Biodiversity Data? | Felicitas Löffler and Friederike Klan | Poster |
12 | Generating examples of paths summarizing RDF datasets | Jindrich Mynarz, Marek Dudáš, Paolo Tomeo and Vojtech Svátek | Poster |
13 | Towards a Definition of Knowledge Graphs | Lisa Ehrlinger and Wolfram Wöß | Poster |
14 | Semantic Stream Processing for IoT Devices in the Food Safety Domain | Milan Markovic and Peter Edwards | Poster |
15 | A Visual Language for OWL Lite Editing | Jonas Rebstadt, Luisa Brinkschulte, Arkadij Enders and Robert Mertens | Both |
16 | Towards a Vocabulary Terms Discovery Assistant | Ioannis Stavrakantonakis, Anna Fensel and Dieter Fensel | Poster |
17 | Cross Media Entity and Concept Driven Search | Chalitha Perera and Dileepa Jayakody | Poster |
18 | Towards Reputation-Aware Expert Finding with Linked Open Data | Sebastian Heil, Stefan Wild, Michael Krug and Martin Gaedke | Poster |
19 | Adaptive Semantic Process Modeling Tool | Tobias Weller and Maria Maleshkova | Demo |
20 | DBpedia Links: The Crossroad of Links for the Web of Data | Milan Dojchinovski, Dimitris Kontokostas, Robert Rößling, Magnus Knuth and Sebastian Hellmann | Poster |
21 | Modeling fiscal data with the Data Cube Vocabulary | Jindrich Mynarz, Vojtech Svátek, Sotirios Karampatakis, Jakub Klímek and Charalampos Bratsas | Poster |
22 | A Twitter Sentiment Gold Standard for the Brexit Referendum | Manuela Hürlimann, Brian Davis, Keith Cortis, André Freitas, Siegfried Handschuh and Sergio Fernández | Poster |
23 | CORVIDAE: Coreference Resolution Visual Development \& Analysis Environment | Nico Moeller and Gunther Heidemann | Poster |
24 | RDF data evolution: automatic detection and semantic representation of changes | Nathalie Pernelle, Fatiha Saďs, Daniel Mercier and Sujeeban Thuraisamy | Poster |
25 | iLOC – building indoor navigation services using Linked Data | Barnabas Szasz, Rita Fleiner and Andras Micsik | Poster |
26 | Using DevOps principles to continuously monitor RDF data quality | Roy Meissner and Kurt Junghanns | Poster |
27 | Ontology Engineering for the Design and Implementation of Personal Pervasive Lifestyle Support | Bernd Kiefer, Rifca Peters and Stefania Racioppa | Poster |
28 | Enforcing scalable authorization on SPARQL queries | Joerg Unbehauen, Marvin Frommhold and Michael Martin | Both |
29 | Extracting Geo-Semantics About Cities From OpenStreetMap | Mónica Posada-Sánchez, Stefan Bischof and Axel Polleres | Both |
30 | Reconstructing Semantic Structures in Technical Documentation with Vector Space Classification | Jan Oevermann | Poster |
31 | Access Control in Linked Data Using WebID | Pascal Mainini and Annett Laube | Demo |
32 | OntoWiki 1.0: 10 Years of Development - What's New in OntoWiki | Philipp Frischmuth, Natanael Arndt and Michael Martin | Both |
33 | Decentralized Semantic Identity | Jose G. Faisca and Jose Q. Rogado | Both |
34 | Quit Diff: Calculating the Delta Between RDF Datasets under Version Control | Natanael Arndt and Norman Radtke | Both |
35 | O Bitcoin Where Art Thou? Insight into Large-Scale Transaction Graphs. | Bernhard Haslhofer, Roman Karl and Erwin Filtz | Both |
36 | WASOTA: What Are the States Of The Art? | Ciro Baron Neto, Diego Esteves, Tommaso Soru, Diego Moussallem, Andre Valdestilhas and Edgard Marx | Both |
37 | In or Out? Real-Time Monitoring of BREXIT sentiment on Twitter | Laurentiu Vasiliu, Ross McDermott, Malek Ben Khaled, Tobias Daudert, David Byrne, Manuela Huerlimann, Sergio Fernández, Angelo Cavallini, André Freitas, Frederico Carol, Manel Zarrouk and Brian Davis | Both |
38 | Towards Budget Comparative Analysis: the need for Fiscal Codelists as Linked Data | Panagiotis-Marios Philippides, Sotirios Karampatakis, Lazaros Ioannidis, Jindrich Mynarz, Vojtech Svatek and Charalampos Bratsas | Both |
39 | Knowledge Networks and Statistical Analysis of Cinematography Linked Data | Nikolaos Livanos, Charalampos Bratsas, Sotirios Karampatakis and Ioannis Antoniou | Both |
Floor plan - Audimax
Poster stands are numbered in RED