TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH, 2016 | ||||||
Audimax | ||||||
Directions | ||||||
09:00 - 09:30 | Opening | |||||
Welcome Address by Chairs & Organizers | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Rainer Alt, Information Systems Institute (IWI), Leipzig University | ||||||
Linked Enterprise Data Services (LEDS) by Hans-Christian Brockmann![]() |
09:30 - 10:30 | Michele Pasin, Springer Nature | |||||
Linked data experience at Springer Nature | ||||||
Chair: Christian Dirschl | ||||||
10:30 - 10:45 | CHANGE ROOMS / SHORT BREAK | |||||
Felix-Klein-Hörsaal | WiFa SR 2 | WiFa SR 1 | WiFa SR 3 | WiFa SR 4 | WiFa SR 6 | |
Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | |
10:45- 12:15
Fishbowl: Knowledge Graphs – The next frontier | Data Science | ||||
Chairs: Christian Dirschl & Ute John | Chair: Anna Fensel | |||||
![]() Initial lightning talks by Andreas Blumauer and Hans Uszkoreit |
Linked Open Vocabulary Ranking and Terms Discovery -- Ioannis Stavrakantonakis, Anna Fensel and Dieter Fensel | |||||
Discussion with Andreas Blumauer, Hans Uszkoreit, Michele Pasin, Hans-Christian Brockmann plus two open seats | DBtrends: Exploring Query Logs for Ranking RDF Data -- Edgard Marx, Amrapali Zaveri, Diego Moussallem and Sandro Rautenberg | |||||
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MEX Interfaces: Automating Machine Learning Metadata Generation -- Diego Esteves, Pablo Mendes, Diego Moussallem, Julio Cesar Duarte, Amrapali Zaveri, Jens Lehmann, Ciro Baron Neto, Igor Costa and Maria Claudia Cavalcanti | |||||
12:15 - 12:45 | COFFEE BREAK | |||||
Felix-Klein-Hörsaal | WiFa SR 2 | WiFa SR 1 | WiFa SR 3 | WiFa SR 4 | WiFa SR 6 | |
Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | |
12:45 - 13:45
Enterprise Knowledge Extraction | Linked Data Exposure | Enterprise Linked Data I | Open Government I | Data Pipeline Architectures | Knowledge Discovery I |
Chair: Milan Dojchinovski | Chair: Anastasia Dimou | Chair: Monika Solanki | Chair: Erwin Folmer | Chair: Magnus Knuth | Chair: Amrapali Zaveri | |
KESeDa: Knowledge Extraction from Heterogeneous Semi-Structured Data Sources -- Michael Krug, Martin Seidel, Frank Burian and Martin Gaedke![]() |
Artivity: Capturing provenance data about digital artwork -- Sebastian Faubel | *Knowledge Change Management and Analysis during the Engineering of Cyber Physical Production Systems: A Use Case of Hydro Power Plants -- Fajar J. Ekaputra, Marta Sabou, Estefania Serral and Stefan Biffl | On creating a Web of Archival Data: Current state and lessons learned from the Archival Linked Open Data (aLOD) project -- Adrian Gschwend |
State-of-the-art web applications fuelled by Linked Data aware microservices -- Aad Versteden and Erika Pauwels | *Exploring Dynamics and Semantics of User Interests for User Modeling on Twitter for Link Recommendations -- Guangyuan Piao and John G. Breslin | |
Streaming-based Text Mining using Deep Learning and Semantics -- Martin Voigt![]() |
Linked Data Theatre, an open software library for publication and visualization of data on the web -- Arjen Santema and Marco Brattinga | KN(owl)edge: the Linked Data Platform at Kuehne + Nagel -- Thomas Kaleske | Smart data for Smarter Fire Fighters -- Bart van Leeuwen | RDF Data Processing and Integration Tasks in UnifiedViews: Use Cases & Lessons Learned -- Tomas Knap | [Short] Verifiability and Traceability in a Linked Data Based Messaging System -- Florian Kleedorfer, Yana Panchenko, Christina Maria Busch and Christian Huemer | |
[Short] GADES: A Graph-based Semantic Similarity Measure -- Ignacio Traverso, Maria Esther Vidal, Benedikt Kämpgen and York Sure-Vetter | ||||||
13:45 - 15:00 | LUNCH BREAK | |||||
Audimax | ||||||
Directions | ||||||
15:00 - 16:00
Marie Wallace, IBM | |||||
The Semantics of the Human Network | ||||||
Chairs: Kay Müller | ||||||
16:00 - 16:15 | CHANGE ROOMS / SHORT BREAK | |||||
Felix-Klein-Hörsaal | WiFa SR 2 | WiFa SR 1 | WiFa SR 3 | WiFa SR 4 | WiFa SR 6 | |
Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | |
16:15 - 17:15 | Knowledge Integration and Language Technologies | Open Government II | Semantic Information Management I | Search and Question Answering | Document Management & Publishing I | Enterprise Linked Data II |
Chair: Andreas Niekler | Chair: Natanael Arndt | Chair: Sebastian Tramp | Chair: John McCrae | Chair: Johanna Grüblbauer | Chair: Maria-Ester Vidal | |
A Supervised Keyphrase Extraction System -- Kolawole John Adebayo, Luigi Di Caro and Guido Boella | Improving Cross-Border Accessibility of Court Decisions -- Marc van Opijnen | * Executing SPARQL Queries over Mapped Document Stores with SparqlMap-M -- Joerg Unbehauen and Michael Martin![]() |
Architecture for a Question Answering Machine -- Felix Burkhardt | Semantic support: the secret sauce for structured authoring -- Taeke Kuyvenhoven and Bert Willems (Jan Benedictus) | Automating Financial Regulatory Compliance Using Ontology+Rules and Sunflower -- Reginald Ford, Grit Denker, Daniel Elenius, Wesley Moore and Elie Abi-Lahoud | |
* Don't Compare Apples to Oranges - Extending GERBIL for a Fine Grained NEL Evaluation -- Jörg Waitelonis, Henrik Jürges and Harald Sack | E-government at its best: Open, transparent and useful -- Holger Wollschläger![]() |
Modeling and Enforcing Access Control Obligations for SPARQL-DL Queries -- Nicoletta Fornara and Fabio Marfia | Question Answering over Pattern-Based User Models -- Georgios Meditskos, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Stefanos Vrochidis, Leo Wanner and Ioannis Kompatsiaris |
ADA – Opening up the BBC archive with linked data - BBC -- Jo Kent | [Short] Semantic Processing for the Conversion of Unstructured Documents into Structured Information in the Enterprise Context -- Adam Bartusiak and Jörg Lässig | |
[Short] DB-quiz: a DBpedia-backed Knowledge Game -- Jindřich Mynarz and Václav Zeman | ||||||
17:15 - 17:30 | CHANGE ROOMS / SHORT BREAK | |||||
Felix-Klein-Hörsaal | Audimax | WiFa SR 1 | WiFa SR 3 | WiFa SR 4 | WiFa SR 6 | |
Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | |
17:30 - 19:00
New Ways of Handling Old Data | Poster Madness and Vocabulary Carnival | ||||
Chair: Martin Kaltenböck | Chair: Michael Martin, Martí Cuquet, Monika Solanki | |||||
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs -- Sören Auer - Fraunhofer IAIS![]() |
This is an entertaining session, where posters and demos are introduced in three minutes, using two slides. | |||||
Better Data and Analysis – New Ways of Handling Old Data -- Thomas Vavra - IDC | Posters and Demos then can be visited in the marketplace area. | |||||
from 19:30 | Conference Dinner | |||||
Directions | ||||||
Award Ceremony | ||||||
European Linked Data Contest | ||||||
* Nominated for Best Research and Innovation Paper Award | ||||||
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH, 2016 | ||||||
Audimax | ||||||
Directions | ||||||
09:00 - 10:00
Volker Tresp, Siemens | |||||
Learning with Memory Embeddings and its Application in the Digitalization of Healthcare | ||||||
Chair: Jens Lehmann | ||||||
10:00 - 10:30 | COFFEE BREAK | |||||
Felix-Klein-Hörsaal | WiFa SR 2 | WiFa SR 1 | WiFa SR 3 | WiFa SR 4 | WiFa SR 6 | |
Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | |
10:30 - 12:30 | Linked Data Business Cases | Data Versioning | Integrating Enterprise Content & Knowledge | Life Sciences | Document Management & Publishing II | Standardisation |
Chair: Harald Sack | Chair: Wouter Beek | Chair: Ute John | Chair: Laura Daniele | Chair: Robert Mertens | Chair: Dimitris Kontokostas | |
Semantic E-Commerce - Use Cases in Enterprise Web Applications -- Christian Opitz![]() |
Evaluating Query and Storage Strategies for RDF Archives -- Javier D. Fernández, Jürgen Umbrich, Magnus Knuth and Axel Polleres | Interactive session split into a lecture-style presentation and a second segment that is interactive. Audience will be engaged into a lively, deep discussion with the author. | From documents to datasets: challenges and solutions in the context of IDMP and pharmacology -- Jan Voskuil | Multiplying the Power of Taxonomy with Granular, Structured Content -- Joe Pairman | Promoting Semantic Interoperability for European Public Services: the European Commission ISA2 Programme -- Vassilios Peristeras | |
Linked Data - The Next 5 Years: From Hype to Action -- Andreas Blumauer | Distributed Collaboration on RDF Datasets Using Git: Towards the Quit Store -- Natanael Arndt, Norman Radtke and Michael Martin![]() |
Data Integration - a Multi-Model Approach - Documents and Triples -- Stephen Buxton | Registry of clinical data for PTChO – rectal cancer module -- Krzysztof Cieśliński | PoolParty PowerTagging tool for Office 365 / SharePoint -- Pavol Pleva | Methodology data.gov.sk-semanticweb, LOD Slovakia and Slovpedia in the context of SEMIC -- Miroslav Líška | |
Towards Making Linked Data Mainstream - A Product Development Journey -- Cody Burleson and Miguel Aragón | Open Semantic Revision Control with R43ples - Extending SPARQL to Access Revisions of Named Graphs -- Markus Graube, Stephan Hensel and Leon Urbas | The Unified Governance Use Case - Using semantic web technologies for improved software development processes -- Christian Dirschl and Helmut Nagy | Semantic interoperability to manage medicinal data and exchange IDMP messages with different regions -- Hans van Bruggen | Reimagining news blogging with linked data publishing -- Andrea Volpini | Putting Standards into Action: Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment in Web Site Personalisation and Localisation -- Phil Ritchie and Prof. Felix Sasaki | |
Business Opportunities with Linked Open Data -- Kostas Kastrantas | Towards Versioning of Arbitrary RDF Data -- Marvin Frommhold, Ruben Navarro Piris, Natanael Arndt, Sebastian Tramp, Niklas Petersen and Michael Martin![]() |
Creating a Semantic Enterprise Content model to support continuous content acquisition, coverage and utility -- David Kuilman | [Short] Cross-Evaluation of Entity Linking and Disambiguation Systems for Clinical Text Annotation-- Camilo Thorne, Stefano Faralli and Heiner Stuckenschmidt |
Hybrid semantic document enrichment using machine learning and linguistics - The Cogito Studio -- Stefan Geißler | Towards a holistic visualization management for knowledge graphs -- Kerstin Diwisch and Dr. Achim Steinacker | |
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[Short] A Semantic Approach Towards Implementing Energy Efficient Lifestyles through Behavioural Change -- Umutcan Şimşek, Anna Fensel, Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, Eleni Fotopoulou, Paris Liapis, Thanassis Bouras, Fernando Terroso Saenz and Antonio F. Skarmeta Gómez | |||||
12:30 - 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK | |||||
Audimax | ||||||
Directions | ||||||
14:00 - 15:00
Cathy Dolbear, Oxford University Press | |||||
Enriching Content with User Data and Semantic Information | ||||||
Chair: Anna Fensel | ||||||
15:00 - 15:15 | CHANGE ROOMS / SHORT BREAK | |||||
Felix-Klein-Hörsaal | WiFa SR 2 | WiFa SR 1 | WiFa SR 3 | WiFa SR 4 | WiFa SR 6 | |
Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | Directions | |
15:15 - 16:45
Internet of Things | Knowledge Discovery II | Enterprise Linked Data III | Industry 4.0 | ||
Chair: Michael Martin | Chair: Artem Revenko | Chair: Jindřich Mynarz | Chair: Bernhard Haslhofer | |||
SAREF and SAREF4EE: Towards interoperability for Smart Appliances in the IoT World -- Laura Daniele | How to compute semantic relationships between entities and facts out of natural texts -- Michael Fuchs | eccenca CorporateMemory - Semantically integrated Enterprise Data Lakes -- Robert Isele![]() |
Semantics in Dairy Farming: towards a Common Dairy Ontology -- Jack Verhoosel | |||
Standardized Semantics for an Open Web of Things -- Victor Charpenay | *EULAide: Interpretation of End-User License Agreements using Ontology-Based Information Extraction -- Najmeh Mousavi Nejad, Simon Scerri, Sören Auer and Elisa M. Sibaran | Delivering a Linked Data warehouse and integrating across the wider enterprise -- Ben Gardner | Semantic Technologies for Assisted Decision-Making in Industrial Maintenance -- Sebastian Bader | |||
Enhancing Marine Industry Risk Management Through Semantic Reconciliation of Underwater IoT Data Streams -- Gianluca Correndo, Simon Crowle, Juri Papay and Michael Boniface | [Short] Top-level Ideas about Importing, Translating and Exporting Knowledge via an Ontology of Representation Languages -- Philippe Martin and Jérémy Bénard |
Cross Media Concept and Entity Driven Search for Enterprise -- Chalitha Perera and Dileepa Jayakody | Semantic Enrichment of Twitter Microposts Helps Understand Post-Brexit Reactions -- Vladimir Alexiev |
[Short] Linking Images to Semantic Knowledge Base with User-generated Tags -- Shuangyong Song, Qingliang Miao and Yao Meng | ||||||
16:45-17:15 | COFFEE BREAK | |||||
Audimax | ||||||
Directions | ||||||
17:15 - 17:45 | Closing | |||||
Awarding of Best Paper and Best Poster | ||||||
* Nominated for Best Research and Innovation Paper Award |