Nominees and Ambassadors



by Ioannis Stavrakantonakis | Overall rating: 0

Vocab-recommender is a tool that contributes to the broader idea of enabling websites to play the role of APIs by leveraging the Web content to self-defined data structures via semantic annotations

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by openlaws | Overall rating: 0

openlaws is a web service for businesses and legal experts.

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Recycl3R: Recycling waste items via Open Data and semantics

by Recycl3R | Overall rating: 0

Recycl3R is a tool that supports and engages citizens in the task of recycling their waste items by providing direct access to residue information and waste disposal locations.

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Ambassador Sabrina Kirrane

by Vienna University of Economics and Business | Overall rating: 0

The Ambassador for Austria, Dr. Sabrina Kirrane, is a postdoctoral researcher at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

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by Ghent University - iMinds | Overall rating: 0

Unfortunately, raw data does not magically turn into Linked Data! To minimize the effort and knowledge that data owners need for Linked Data generation, we developed a multi-user browser application, the RMLEditor that assists lay users to generate Linked Data, requiring minimum effort and time. How it works: users provide their data, they define the mappings with the help of the RMLEditor and they instantly generate their Linked Data. This way, Linked Data generation becomes easy even for non-Semantic Web exerts!

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Ambassador Marin Dimitrov

by Ontotext | Overall rating: 0

Marin Dimitrov, the ambassador for Bulgaria, is CTO at Ontotext.

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