Nominees and Ambassadors


Describing local governments and their activities using Linked Data

by Civil Kapocs Egyesület | Overall rating: 0

The project is a civil effort to create a trackable representation of local government decisions and their history.

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iLOC - In-door Navigation Services using Linked Data

by Barnabas Szasz | Overall rating: 0

The iLOC ontology is a generic approach for in-house wayfinding and location description supported by Linked Open Data.

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András Micsik

Ambassador Dr. András Micsik

by Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Overall rating: 0

The ambassador for Hungary, András Micsik is a team leader within the Department of Distributed Systems at MTA SZTAKI. 

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by Kruglikov Boris | Overall rating: 0

The main backbone of the Synergistic Web is the developed semantic Kernel-Standards language.

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