Nominees and Ambassadors


Ambassador Hele-Mai Haav

by Tallinn University of Technology | Overall rating: 0

Hele-Mai Haav, the Ambassador for Estonia. is a senior researcher at Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology.

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WAVES: Big Data Platform for Real-time Semantic Stream Management

by ATOS | Overall rating: 0














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by Semiodesk GmbH | Overall rating: 0

Understanding the techniques of artists is an essential part of studying art and art history. The process of creating an artwork is often more valueable than the artwork itself.

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LODQuator - Linked Data Quality Assessment Monitor with Luzzu

by Jeremy Debattista - Enterprise Information Systems, University of Bonn/Fraunhofer IAIS | Overall rating: 0

This widespread and rapid adoption of the Linked Data principles has brought an unprecedented dimension on the Web, contributing to the transformation of the Web of Documents to a Web of Data.

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KN(owl)edge - Incident Collaboration Tool

by Kühne + Nagel | Overall rating: 0

The Incident Collaboration Tool is the first semantic web application at Kühne + Nagel based on the internal Linked Data Platform KN(owl)edge.

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Industrial Data Space: Semantic integration of Enterprise Data with VoCol

by Fraunhofer IAIS | Overall rating: 0

Nowadays, business processes are being digitized across all industries. Just-in-time manufacturing and mass customization generate vast amounts of data at a faster pace than ever.

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