
Lead, Data and Ontology Management


Semantic Enrichment of Twitter Microposts Helps Understand Post-Brexit Reactions

In this talk we show that LOD annotations are a powerful tool for semantic enrichment of Social Media microposts, allowing for reasoning with information that is not transmitted directly through the Social Media channels, but available in rich knowledge bases.


About the format.

Different small group discussions with a large group of participants: Several coffee houses are set up in parallel, focusing on different viewpoints and questions. You enter the Cafés one after the other in a set frequency, mixing with your fellow colleagues and continuing discussions which were started by another group before.


About the format.

Four to five chairs are arranged in an inner circle. This is the fishbowl. The remaining chairs are arranged in concentric circles outside the fishbowl. A few participants are selected to fill the fishbowl, while the rest of the group sit on the chairs outside the fishbowl. In an open fishbowl, any member of the audience can, at any time, occupy the empty chair and join the fishbowl. When this happens, an existing member of the fishbowl must voluntarily leave the fishbowl and free a chair. The discussion continues with participants frequently entering and leaving the fishbowl. When time runs out, the fishbowl is closed and the moderator summarizes the discussion.


Semantic Technologies for Assisted Decision-Making in Industrial Maintenance

The growing use and popularity of sensors and monitoring devices in the context of industries has paved the way not only for new analysis approaches but also for new insights in the production chains.


Semantics in Dairy Farming: towards a Common Dairy Ontology

In the Dutch SmartDairyFarming project, better decision support for the dairy farmer on daily questions around feeding, insemination, calving and milk production processes is made possible using a variety of big data sources containing static and dynamic sensor data of individual cows.


Cross Media Concept and Entity Driven Search for Enterprise

In recent years there is a rapid growth of unstructured text content and multimedia documents, which includes audios, videos and images in web as well as in the enterprise and these large volumes of data is not very useful without effective methods for content analysis and retrieval.

Ben Gardner
Data & Information Architect
Linklaters LLP


Delivering a Linked Data warehouse and integrating across the wider enterprise

Linklaters is one of the world’s leading global law firms. The firm has a wealth of high value information held within our systems however due to the nature of these systems it is not always easy to leverage this value.

Michael Fuchs
Technology Evangelist
ABBYY Europe


How to compute semantic relationships between entities and facts out of natural texts

Fact and entity extraction from unstructured, natural language texts is already a very challenging problem. But even if a system can identify persons, organisations or other entities, it is very likely that an essential piece of information is missing:


Standardized Semantics for an Open Web of Things

Today’s Internet of Things (IoT) suffers from a lack of interoperability across platforms.


SAREF and SAREF4EE: Towards interoperability for Smart Appliances in the IoT World

In the past years, standardization in IoT has largely focused at the technical communication level, leading to a large number of different solutions based on various standards and protocols, with limited attention to the common semantics contained in the message data structures exchanged at the t


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