K12-exam-app: detailed digital (RDF) curriculum in NL to connect information domains
Cable-stayed bridge is a subtype of Bridge. The semantic definition formulates the discriminating property by which it is distinguished from its parent.
It also gives the supertypes in the taxonomy, from which it inherits all given discriminating properties.
The CB-NL is an initiative of the BIR (Dutch Building Information Council),
In this project we developed and published an interorganizational datadictionary, a glossary, via a website and based on linked data technology (RDF, SKOS).
Due to the increasing amount of Linked Data openly published on the Web, user-facing Linked Data Applications (LDAs) are gaining momentum.
The LOD Laundromat (http://lodlaundromat.org/) is a platform that cleans, harmonizes and republishes Linked Open Data (LOD).
AutoMindFree makes it easy to do research for assignments, projects, presentations, or simply for personal knowledge.
Ontorion™ is a Reasoning Knowledge Center that allows natural language, linked data (semantic) searches against Big Data and globally distributed databases. Ontorion™ better describes its powerful business value as a center at the intersection of Big Data, linked data, and knowledge management.
The ambassador for Poland, Agatha Filipowska is Assistant Professor on the Poznan University of Economics.