A number of accessible RDF stores are populating the linked open data world. The navigation on data reticular relationships is becoming every day more relevant. Several knowledge base repositories present relevant links to common vocabularies while many others are going to be discovered increasing the reasoning capabilities of our knowledge base applications. Linked Open Graph, LOG, is a web tool for collaborative browsing and navigation on multiple SPARQL entry points, RDF stores and LD in integrated manner. The LOG.disit.org tool is shortening the gap from the users to understand the Linked Data and provides an easy and accessible set of samples to navigate in multiple RDF stores with LD/LOD: providing features and advantages using dbPedia, Getty, Europeana, Geonames, etc. The LOG tool is free to be used, and to be embedded in third party pages. It has been adopted, developed and/or improved in multiple projects: such as ECLAP for social media cultural heritage, Sii-Mobility for smart city, and ICARO for cloud ontology analysis, OSIM for competence / knowledge mining and analysis.
The LOG.DISIT.ORG is covering multiple domains: cultural heritage, library, smart city, smart cloud, e-govern, etc. It allows discovering links, saving and sharing the graphs among a community.
Dziugas Tornau, the ambassador for Lithuania, is CEO at AtomGraph.
Due to the increasing amount of Linked Data openly published on the Web, user-facing Linked Data Applications (LDAs) are gaining momentum.
K12-exam-app: detailed digital (RDF) curriculum in NL to connect information domains
Cable-stayed bridge is a subtype of Bridge. The semantic definition formulates the discriminating property by which it is distinguished from its parent.
It also gives the supertypes in the taxonomy, from which it inherits all given discriminating properties.
The CB-NL is an initiative of the BIR (Dutch Building Information Council),
It is surprisingly difficult to find things on today's Web of Data. You need an IRI to start traversing the interconnected knowledge graph. But how do you find such a resource-denoting IRI?
In this project we developed and published an interorganizational datadictionary, a glossary, via a website and based on linked data technology (RDF, SKOS).
The LOD Laundromat (http://lodlaundromat.org/) is a platform that cleans, harmonizes and republishes Linked Open Data (LOD).
The SemaGrow project develops a Linked Data infrastructure that allows transparent access to distributed heterogeneous and constantly updated large datasets. The developed innovations are delivered as the SemaGrow Stack, an open source software package. Through the SemaGrow Stack applications can access heterogenous, distributed triple stores using a single SPARQL endpoint, without having knowledge of the underlying schemas of the individual sources. To prove its practical value, the SemaGrow Stack is tested in data and knowledge intensive use cases from the agro-environmental domain.