Industry 4.0

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 15:15 to 16:45
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät SR3



Semantics in Dairy Farming: towards a Common Dairy Ontology

In the Dutch SmartDairyFarming project, better decision support for the dairy farmer on daily questions around feeding, insemination, calving and milk production processes is made possible using a variety of big data sources containing static and dynamic sensor data of individual cows.


Semantic Technologies for Assisted Decision-Making in Industrial Maintenance

The growing use and popularity of sensors and monitoring devices in the context of industries has paved the way not only for new analysis approaches but also for new insights in the production chains.

Lead, Data and Ontology Management


Semantic Enrichment of Twitter Microposts Helps Understand Post-Brexit Reactions

In this talk we show that LOD annotations are a powerful tool for semantic enrichment of Social Media microposts, allowing for reasoning with information that is not transmitted directly through the Social Media channels, but available in rich knowledge bases.