Document Management & Publishing II

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 10:30 to 12:30
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät SR4


Joe Pairman
Lead Consultant


Multiplying the Power of Taxonomy with Granular, Structured Content

In taxonomy for information management or web publishing, you are limited by the shape of the content. However granular your terms, most CMSs  can only apply them to whole documents or pages. Some organizations have more complex content management needs.

Andrea Volpini
Chief Executive Officer


Reimagining news blogging with linked data publishing

The massive amount of content being produced inside and outside the newsroom needs to be organized and curated to meet the evolving demands of the audience.


Hybrid semantic document enrichment using machine learning and linguistics - The Cogito Studio

Document categorization and indexing is often either purely manually rule-based or  purely driven by statistics. In real-world scenarios the short comings of both approaches, respectively, prove problematic: Rule-based approaches require a lot of resources and insight.