Research & Innovation

Research & Innovation

DB-quiz: a DBpedia-backed Knowledge Game

We developed a quiz game that uses questions automatically generated from the Czech and English DBpedia. The game uses class membership and categorization to split DBpedia resources into domains of questions, such as persons or films.

Research & Innovation

Modeling and Enforcing Access Control Obligations for SPARQL-DL Queries

Different access control models are presented in literature for semantic data, allowing the expression and enforcement of access policies that are based on roles and other attributes of the requesting user usually.

Research & Innovation

Evaluating Query and Storage Strategies for RDF Archives

There is an emerging demand on efficiently archiving and (temporal) querying different versions of evolving semantic Web data.

Research & Innovation

Question Answering over Pattern-Based User Models

In this paper we present an ontology-driven framework for natural language question analysis and answering over user models (e.g. preferences, habits and health problems of individuals) that are formally captured using ontology design patterns.

Research & Innovation

Automating Financial Regulatory Compliance Using Ontology+Rules and Sunflower

Compliance departments in the international finance industry are struggling to use traditional methods to keep up with the demands of new and more stringent regulatory and policy requirements.

Research & Innovation

Knowledge Change Management and Analysis during the Engineering of Cyber Physical Production Systems: A Use Case of Hydro Power Plants

The process of designing Cyber Physical Production Systems (CPPS), e.g., modern power plants or steel mills, typically takes place in a multi-disciplinary engineering environment, in which experts from various engineering domains and organizations work together towards creating complex engineerin

Research & Innovation

MEX Interfaces: Automating Machine Learning Metadata Generation

Despite recent efforts to achieve a high level of interoperability of Machine Learning (ML) experiments, positively collaborating with the Reproducible Research context, we still run into problems created due to the existence of different ML platforms: each of those have a specific conceptualizat

Research & Innovation

GADES: A Graph-based Semantic Similarity Measure

Knowledge graphs encode semantics that describes resources in terms of several aspects, e.g., neighbors, class hierarchies, or node degrees. Assessing relatedness of knowledge graph entities is crucial for several data-driven tasks, e.g., ranking, clustering, or link discovery.

Research & Innovation

Open Semantic Revision Control with R43ples - Extending SPARQL to Access Revisions of Named Graphs

The Semantic Web provides mechanisms to interlink data in a fast and efficient way and build complex information networks.

Research & Innovation

EULAide: Interpretation of End-User License Agreements using Ontology-Based Information Extraction

Ignoring End-User License Agreements (EULAs) for online services due to their length and complexity is a risk undertaken by the majority of online and mobile service users.


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