LEDS Linked Enterprise Data Services
Large corporations have to master vast amounts of heterogeneous data in order to stay competitive. While existing approaches have attempted to consolidate and manage the data by forcing it into a single shared data model, data lakes recently emerged that instead provide a central storage point for holding all data sets in their original form.
In this talk, we present eccenca CorporateMemory, which extends the data lake paradigm with a semantic integration layer for managing diverse, but semantically enriched data. eccenca CorporateMemory builds an extensible knowledge graph that employs RDF vocabularies for transforming and linking multiple datasets in order to generate an integrated semantic understanding of the data.
Robert Isele holds a diploma in computer science from the Technical University of Munich and a PhD from the University of Mannheim. The focus of his work is data integration of linked data sources. He leads the development of the Silk Link Discovery Framework and contributed to a number of data integration systems and worked in various FP7 projects. Since 2013, Robert is responsible for the data integration unit at eccenca GmbH.