Michael Boniface

Research & Innovation

Enhancing Marine Industry Risk Management Through Semantic Reconciliation of Underwater IoT Data Streams

"The “Rio+20” United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) focused on the ""Green economy"" as the main concept to fight poverty and achieve a sustainable way to feed the planet. For coastal countries, this concept translates into ""Blue economy"", the sustainable exploitation of marine environments to fulfill humanity needs for resources, energy, and food. This puts a stress on marine industries to better articulate their processes to gain and share knowledge of different marine habitats, and to reevaluate the data value chains established in the past and to support a data fueled market that is going only to in the near future.
The EXPOSURES project is working in conjunction with the SUNRISE project to establish a new marine information ecosystem and demonstrate how the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) can be exploited for marine applications. In particular EXPOSURES engaged with the community of stakeholders in order to identify a new data value chain which includes IoT data providers, data analysts, and harbor authorities. Moreover we integrated the key technological assets that couple OGC standards for raster data management and manipulation and semantic technologies to better manage data assets.


Professor Michael Boniface is Technical Director of the IT Innovation Centre. He joined IT Innovation in 2000 after several years  at Nortel Networks developing infrastructure to support  telecommunications interoperability. His roles at IT Innovation include  technical strategy of RTD across IT Innovation's project portfolio,  technical leadership, and business development. He has over 16 years'  experience of RTD into innovative distributed systems for science and  industry using technologies such as new media, secure service-oriented  architectures, semantic web, cloud computing and network  infrastructures. He coordinated the EXPERIMEDIA project providing  leadership for a facility used to conduct 30 ecosystem trails with end  users bringing together sensors, gaming, social networking and media  technologies including user-centric provenance frameworks for tracking  causation in highly distributed systems. He's now working on deep user  interaction modelling and observation techniques to monitor and assess  children learning social skills at school using digital games. He leads  trust and security architecture for a cloud and network infrastructure  test facility (FED4FIRE) whilst exploring business modelling and  sustainability activities including identification and analysis of novel  data value chains deriving from new information sources such as  autonomous vehicles . He leads IT Innovation's contribution to European  Next Generation Internet Expert Groups. Michael has a BEng in multimedia  communications.